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ST 500 Remote Setup-SL2100


(1) SL2100 SIP 3rd Party 1-Port Station License for each ST500 extension.

SV9100 CP10:
Version R8 or Higher
IPLE installed
(1) Resource License per ST500 user
(1) Standard User License per ST500 user

SV9100 CP20:
IPLE installed
(1)   Essential User License per ST500 user
(1) Resource License per ST500 user
(1) Productivity User License per ST500 user.

Note: SV9100S includes 48 Resource Licenses

SL2100/SV9100 Program steps:

10-12-03 Default Gateway address must be entered
10-12-07 Site's WAN (Public) IP Address.
10-12-09 IP Address of the VoIP Card
10-12-10 Subnet Mask of VoIP Card
84-26-01 IP Address of VoIP DSP Resources (Must be within same Subnet as 10-12-09)
10-33-02 Authentication Mode must be enabled (This, will require 3rd party SIP Extensions to enter a password)
10-33-05 NAT Mode must be enabled
15-05-16 Enter a password for the extension ST500 will be using (This is required for NAT and after 10-33-02 is enabled)
15-05-45 Enable NAT Plug and Play for this extension
15-05-47 Registry Expiry Timer for NAT - when using ST500 set this to 60 seconds.
15-05-48 Subscribe Expiry Timer for NAT - when using ST500 set this to 60 seconds.

Required Router Port Forwarding Rules:

For remote ST500 connection to work outside the local LAN where the PBX resides the following port forwarding rules will need to be established:
UDP Port 5070 needs to be port forwarded to the local IP Address assigned to the VoIP DB/IPLE in PRGM 10-12-09
SL2100 should forward UDP Range 10020 – 10147 to the local IP Address assigned to PRGM 84-26.
SV9100 should forward UDP Range 10020 – 10531 to the local IP Address assigned to PRGM 84-26.

ST500 Configuration Steps:

ST500 App may be downloaded from Google Play or Apple’s App store.
Once downloaded and opened the first time, the user will need to accept the End User License Agreement (EULA).
Next the user will be asked to give permission to the App to use the smartphone’s microphone, contacts, notification and camera.
When asked for the activation code the activation Code for ST500 is: 1b8ff2a283623dae
Next you will be asked to set a profile. You may set up multiple profiles to be used based on the network the ST500 will be connected to. For example you can set up a Local profile for when the smart phone is connected to the local Wi-Fi where the SL2100 or SV9100 is located, a remote profile for when the smartphone is connected to the cellular data plan, and remote Wi-Fi profile for when the smart phone is connected to another networks local Wi-Fi that is not where the SL2100 or SV9100 system is located.

Profile settings:

Select “Create New Profile”
Name the Profile then click Ok,
Next under “User ID” enter the extension number for this ST500
Under “Password” enter the password you entered for this extension in PRGM 15-05-16.
Leave Credential user ID blank,
Select Telephone service and choose: “Aspire WX/SV9100/SL2100”
Under Telephone system:
IP Address Type: IPv4
SIP Server Address: Profiles for Local Wi-Fi where the SL2100 or SV9100 is enter the local IP Address of the VoIP DB / IPLE (PRGM 10-12-09’s address). For all other remote profiles enter the main site’s router’s public IP Address (This should also be entered in PRGM 10-12-07)
SIP Server Port: 5070
SIP protocol: UDP
Connection Type: For profiles using any network’s Wi-Fi choose Wi-Fi, for the profile using the cellular data plan select “Mobile Data Plan”

Additional profiles may be created by going back to menu (three dots top right) > Settings > Profiles > Create Profile.
Profiles can be set to be selected automatically (Under Profile menu). The order of the profiles may be rearranged by the user.

For additional information and screen shots please refer to the following documents:

KB 12322: UNIVERGE ST500 Configuration Manual for Android - Issue 9.0
KB 12323: UNIVERGE ST500 Configuration Manual for iOS - Issue 9.0
KB 12324: UNIVERGE ST500 Operation Manual for Android - Issue 6.01
KB 12325: UNIVERGE ST500 Operation Manual for iOS - Issue 11.0

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